Did you know the spot, where the world meets in one place?
In a post industrial society, in an economy of knowledge, information, creativity, rules are changing, they are different now, than the rules of earlier generations. Success is not achieved by hard working and endless self discipline – success is now achieved by great ideas, innovative solutions and great choices that you make.
Your choices – where to be, whom to talk to, whom to follow and whom to associate with. To stick to your local place and hang out with the guys you know since school, or to explore new destinations, network with the best minds and connect with new people in global business events.
UAE is nowadays such a location, and Dubai is a new capital of the business world. It is a melting pot where the entire world meets in one place. Summits, exhibitions, forums, conferences, networks, business lunches, seminars and roundtables, not to mention world scale events such as Dubai Expo 2020.
Stop hitting the same old paths, the same stone walls and glass ceilings. Stop working hard, and start doing it smart.
Remember the principle formulated by Italian economist Vildref Pareto, known as Pareto principle nowadays? It says, 80 percent of money comes from the 20 percent of projects, 80 percent of ideas come from the 20 percent of people, and 80 percent of outcomes come from the 20 percent of efforts.
Choose wisely.
Distribute your time, money and energy wisely.
Be part of that 20 percent.
Join this exclusive email community where I regularly dispel the myths based on real experiences and news from Dubai, one of the most attractive cities in the world with endless opportunities, but still with many misconceptions.